One Shot, One Kill

Jersey Devil Article


Block Pile

Matt Gieseke for MN

Revive Me Gaming Clan Project

Stupid Rooster Logo

Moms Food Shelf

Halcyon Systems Logo

Thirteen Wine Label

Trenity Logo and Business Card

Colosseum Tilt Shift

NLE Solutions Template

Mexico Killed In Drug Deal

Funny Onion article I reworked for a college project

Chinese Menu

History Wall - First 3D Object Placement

School Typography

Decrypt Me

First time using Photoshop

48 Hour Miracles Re-Work

Something I saw online. I liked it so I remade it for myself.

Flinton Media

The Orb

Stormy Skies and Rainbows

Old Church - Waconia, MN

Cape Cod

Butterfly Garden


Some Shots of Family

Yellow Brick


My beautiful wife outside our old place

Ice Fishing


Fabric Closeup

Alley Garden & Foliage

Alley garden at my old apartment building. Thought it looked cool, so I took a picture.

DFDC Original Wallpaper

Red Wing, MN